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Homeopathy regards symptoms as the body’s healthy attempt to restore itself to balance. A homeopath chooses a remedy that supports the symptoms, rather than opposing or suppressing them.  Remedies are matched to a person’s unique symptom profile, which includes all physical, mental and emotional symptoms.  Inflammation is the body’s natural defense method to burn up and ultimately push out an unwanted substance.  A cold produces nasal discharge; this discharge is the result of the body fighting a virus.  The body attempts to expel the dead white blood cells via the nasal passages, hawking phlegm, coughing or perspiring.  Treatment by conventional methods makes you think you are better—the congestion eases up and the cough goes away.  However, conventional medicine may be suppressing the body’s effort at healing, and the dead cells are then allowed to build up within your body, instead of being expelled naturally.  This brings us to that word that so many mistakenly fear:  fever.  Fever is actually our body’s defense mechanism which creates an unfavorable environment for bacteria and viruses.  Symptoms are our natural defenses:  expressions of the innate wisdom of the body. 


As more and more consumers grow tired of the band-aids, invasive procedures and side effects frequently associated with conventional medicine, homeopathy has begun to catch on with the mainstream population—thanks in no small part to Dr. Oz!  In actuality, homeopathy has been around since the time of Hippocrates (ca. 400 B.C.), initially known as the Law of Similars.  The word "homeopathic" is derived from the Greek words homeo meaning "similar" and pathos meaning "disease" or "suffering".  Homeopathy means: To treat with a remedy that produces an effect similar to the disease or suffering.  If a substance can cause symptoms of disease in a healthy person, then it can cure a sick person suffering from similar symptoms.  It was Samuel Hahnemann who presented the ideas of homeopathy in the early 1800's. He was a doctor and a chemist in Germany who lived from 1755 to 1843. He discovered truth of the Law of Similars by testing small doses of medicine on himself, called provings.  His book The Organon of the Medical Art came to be known as the bible of homeopathy. 

Any plant, mineral or animal substance can be used as a remedy. The original substance is diluted in liquid repeatedly and vigorously shaken with each dilution.  This procedure “activates” the energy of the remedy.  Unusual as it sounds, these remedies with minute amounts of material substance can act very strongly when used properly.  Most importantly, because the remedies are so diluted, they are extremely safe. The clinical experience of homeopathy shows that the micro-dose is effective: it works upon comatose people, infants and animals.  It is the energy of the remedy that acts to cure, as opposed to the material substance from which it was derived.  Just like modern science and technology, homeopathy is constantly evolving and growing in various directions and applications.  Different styles and trends have emerged, but as long as the tenets set forth in Samuel Hahnemann’s  Organon remain at the core of the methodology, homeopathy will continue to deliver astonishing health benefits and ultimately that elusive yet attainable cure we all seek.   

 Homeopathy Effectively Addresses These Conditions:

Acute - Colds, flus, ear infections, stomach viruses, accidents and first aid situations. 

Chronic - Allergies, sinus problems, migraines, tics/neurological disorders, digestive complaints, autoimmune diseases, STD’s and hormonal imbalances.

Behavioral - ADD, ADHD, autism and addictive behaviors

Energetic - Insomnia, fatigue

Emotional - Depression, anxiety, grief and low self-esteem

Mental - Learning disabilities, concentration issues, bipolar and personality disorders.